Tuesday, August 30, 2011

End of Summer Cleaning

I have nothing exciting to share today. HA... on that note, I was off work and so was the Hubs so we got to work and caught up on  our "Honey-Do Lists"

Yes, cleaning.... fun fun. We even cleaned out or closets and drawers and got rid of some clothes! Very productive day...

And in case you are wondering, these are my purchases lately.....

I have been working out on a pretty regular basis but since we aren't members of a gym we decided to invest in a few things. So far, so good. My body is feeling it! We also have Comcast On Demand, which is awesome because I can try all kinds of different workouts.

On a less healthy note, I am making Party Chicken for dinner with squash. Yummy.... its a very easy recipe so if you haven't tried it you MUST!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just Peachy

I love peaches! I have been eating them all summer, more then I ever have. My husbands Grandmother always freezes some for the winter. So, I decided to give it a try. Publix had peaches on sale so I got about $9 worth, peeled them, cut them and just put them in the freezer. If I can get some more containers I might think of putting some more in the freezer.
So summery and wonderful. It will be a nice treat in a few months.

I painted my star white... much better... and hung it on my chocolate brown walls in my powder room. I finally have something on the wall!

I also made a quick trip to Stein Mart since they had a really good sale. 50% off all clearance items PLUS sale items and if you had a coupon, an extra 20% off. NICE

I got this guy on clearance. It ended up being $3.

The same with this galvanized tin. $3

Then, I got this sweater throw. I love the cable knit blankets and I have been wanting one this color but they are always so expensive. I am sorry but I am not willing so spend $40 on a throw.... Stein Mart had them 50% off plus I had a 20% off sale item coupon. So, I got it for $15, now that is more like it!

At some point, I am going to run out of room for all this stuff.... maybe its time to have another garage sale! HA!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Caved....

I caved.... I went to see "The Help" last night with 2 of my friends after we ate dinner at Panera. The movie was so good. You have got to go see it if you haven't yet. I loved it, even if I did have to pay $10. YIKES! I almost threw up when he told me! But really and honestly I couldn't wait til it came out on DVD. I was dying to see it and I heard from everyone and their Grandmother that it was so good. Well, they were right. I guess it was worth $10, although I thought I might at least get a free popcorn with it. HAHA!

I also met my sister earlier yesterday morning and we did a little shopping and had lunch. It was a great girls day!
I got this star at the thrift store for $6. I may paint it white, still have to decide. It will probably go in the downstairs powder room.

I thought he was too cute for words. So for $1, he came home with me.

And I love this! I am still not sure what to do with it but I got it at TJ Maxx for $13. I kinda wish it didn't have all the little containers in it so it would be a little more useful.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Leaves are Changing

The trees in my backyard are telling me that fall is on its way, the leaves are already changing!I have mixed feelings because I LOVE summer. However, I really enjoy all four seasons and the change that comes with them.

I got my Southern Living in the mail. It too is reminding me that fall is on its way... what says fall more then apple recipes?

YUM... Cinnamon Cider from Aromatique. I am looking forward to the smells of fall and putting out all of my fall stuff!

On a different note....

I got this card in the mail. This month we have been at our house 1 YEAR. WOW!! I can't believe it, and mostly I can't believe my house is still not all put together. HA... one day! Its a work in progress.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lantern Love

I have a tiny obsession, I must confess.... I love lanterns. I have them everywhere!
I just got this little beauty today. YIPPEE!!!
I decided to put it on the dining room table. I love the way it looks

Oh yes. LOVE IT

This lantern used to be on the dining room table... it has been relocated.

to the kitchen table.

And this one used to be on the kitchen table.
It is now on our bathroom counter top. We will see what the Hubs thinks about this.... HA!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Makes my Heart Smile

I snapped a few more pictures of my beautiful flowers in my new jar. What a great start to a day...

Flowers on my nightstand make my heart smile!  

I did a little work in my guest room....
cute huh?

lovin this look!

I am still working on this table, I am not in love with it yet, but it is getting there. I am also not sure about my new and improved lamp....??? Hm.... its a work in progress.

I do love these 2 together. Don't you?

I love this guy. I just bought him at JoAnn and used a 40% off coupon. I think he will go on my kitchen counter.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Friday!

I saw this on a friend of mines Facebook and I thought it was hilarious and had to share.

I am DYING to see this movie! I am trying to decide if I want to read it first or watch the movie first. It is going to be a while until I see it. Some of you may know that I am not a big fan of the movie theatre. I know I know, I am about the only one in the whole world who does'nt go to the movies, I go.. but it is very rare. Its just so expensive, cold and uncomfortable. I am sorry... ha. I like to watch movies on my couch, in my PJ's, with my snacks, and no strangers....HA. So, I guess I am just going to have to wait... guess I will order the book. I've heard both the book and movie are great!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The N Word

Ahhh the power of Negotiation. I had the day off and was on the prowl. I went to 4 new thrift stores and a yard sale (yes, odd on a Thursday isn't it?). I was quite the negotiator today.
Here's what I picked up at mt first stope, the yard sale.

2 basket fulls for... drum roll please... $5. Yes yes, for all of it... here are a few more pictures.

I love the one with the lid, don't you?

I got 3 of these... I thought they would be cute to use as canisters on a kitchen counter

Such a cute little bottle

loved this lil guy too...

5 of these

AND this neat chipped metal basket. I also got 8 matching milk glasses. I couldn't believe it! YAY!

The next stop was Salvation Army. Remember how I have been looking for a lantern like fixture for my dining room? Well....

Here we go. The tag said $20. I asked for a discount and the guy said he could do $15.... I asked if he could do $13, SOLD! $13!
Spray it black and we're in business!

Another Thrift Store. This find made me SO happy!
An old window. Asking price $20, I got is for $12. SWEET!

I came home and got right to painting....

HAHA! This is my lantern hanging from a tree branch... oh my.....

Of course, I had to stop and get some flowers to use some of my new finds

Such a nice treat. What a wonderful day off! And well worth the $33

Linking up to:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Inspiration from Blogs I Read

I love reading blogs. I love to find creative ideas and inspiration; everything from style to decor. And no I don't mind to "copy" something that I see and really like. Of course it is always nice to have original ideas but, sometimes it is nice to see what other people are doing out there. Another reason I love my magazine subscriptions!
I  keep an "Idea File" on my computer. I save pictures of EVERYTHING and I encourage you to do the same. I save pictures of furniture I like, accessories I like, wreaths, floral arrangements, "how-to" notes, and photography.  Here are  a few of my favorite blogs that I read and also a few pictures, it will be easy to see why I love them so much and look to them for inspiration

So, for starters, I found this blog and every time I click on it, my mouth drops. Its a little over the top (ok, waaaaay over the top) BUT, there are some great ideas for weddings, showers and parties for any occasion, not to mention some tutorials. You have to check out this Amazing Blog.

Do you see why? Uh, yes... meet Miss Mustard Seed. Her photography, creativity and how she puts things together blows my mind. I love everything she does. LOVE LOVE LOVE it all, you have to see her blog! Look at that dough bowl on the table, How cool is that?

Then, there is blog, Country Farmhouse.

She doesn't really re-do anything but I love the simplicity and how she puts things together. She has some wonderful pieces and an incredible green thumb. She and her husband bought an old farmhouse and basically gutted the place and now its AHmazing, check out the before and after pictures on her blog.

Feeling inspired? I am!