Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Busy Busy!

The past few days have been a blur! I have been working and not sleeping so great and  had a busy weekend. I was blessed to have a baby shower on Saturday and my family shower on Sunday. These babies will be here before I know it and I am trying to get everything done and ready for them! AHHH!!!!
I will share pictures from the shower later. Right now I have to catch y'all up on everything else.
Last week I started seeing my doctor weekly. Everything looked great and he scheduled my c-section for May 23 at 5:45 am... oh my! So we will see if I make it that far... time is ticking!
Last week I was going to take a short beach trip with my SIL but since I was 31 weeks, my doc said he wouldn't recommend it.... darn... so I got a pedicure. HA! I feel bad for the poor lady that had to look and work on my cankles! But it was very relaxing and nice, it was a special treat but it was worth every penny! HA!
I also went to another consignment sale and picked up a few things. I still am in need of newborn sleepers and onesies, bibs, burp clothes and bottles.... plus some other things. I have been returning duplicates and buying a few things here and there... I need to get things ordered and ready for the hospital too! Speaking of...
I also need ideas for Daddy to be. I thought about making some sort of Daddy survival basket but I really want something special and I am totally drawing a blank.

I think this might be too cheesy but it kind of made me laugh.... HA!
I also would like to give out cookies at the hospital. I found these and thought they were so adorable.
There is a lady here in town that makes the best cookies and wraps them, but they are NOT cheap, about $1.60 a piece, and I will need quite a handful for all our hospital visitors.

I did venture out and find some summery pillows the other day. I got the tan ruffle ones at Ross, and the yellow inserts at Southeastern Salvage for $10. I like the punch of yellow for Spring/Summer. By the way, I am loving Spring.... and I know I shouldn't even complain but speaking of yellow, all I can think of is this pollen... sheesh!

I did chop off my hair again this past Saturday before my baby shower. It was at that awkward flipping out stage and I just couldn't take it any longer! It is a little shorter then I was planning and Hubby doesn't love it but the way it is growing lately, It will be down to my belly button in a month. HA! And even though I feel like my hair is falling out everywhere, it is still SO thick!

The Hubs and I were in WalMart getting a few things and I think I screamed when I spotted this blanket. I had to buy 2. Its me, Caleb and the twins! I LOVE it, plus it is actually super soft!
Thats all for now, I am working on thank you cards, exchanging and buying baby stuff! 


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