Sweet Tea and Southern Living

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


 The baby Robins have hatched (I wish I could tell you when their Birthday was...)
This morning they must have been getting fed because I could hear their little baby chirps while the Hubs and I were watching
This show (speaking of birds....)
HA....Have you ever seen this show? It is absolutely hilarious! Uncle Si (in the middle with the shorts) cracks me up, he said he never leaves home without his cup filled with sweet tea and the Bible, my kinda guy...HeHe!

Anyways, back to the babies.... I went to take a picture a little later...
looks like its nap time! They are so small.... I can't even believe they all fit in the nest. I wonder how many will survive, I am guessing there are 5 of them since there were 5 eggs but who knows... guess we will see.
I see a lot of mess to clean up in my future.... bird poop all over my front door and my nicely fresh stained front porch! HA!

Now that the birds have hatched, its almost summer and I am getting excited....

Here is a sneak peek of the floppy straw hat I just got!

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